Rehoboth Orphanage

Rehoboth Children’s Home is located in the town of Chimaltenango, located 35 miles west of Guatemala City. Rehoboth is home to children between two and 18 years old. 

The name of the home is based on Genesis 26:22. In this passage, Isaac dug two wells in the new land; but those around him quarreled with him, saying it was theirs. Once he dug the third well, no one quarreled over it; therefore, he named it Rehoboth, saying, “Now the Lord has given us room as we will flourish in the land.” This means a lot to the children of Rehoboth; it reminds them that though their parents and others have abandoned them, God has made room for them. 

Your sponsorship will help these children have a fair chance to become more than a statistic of malnutrition and violent crime; and, instead, will help them live a life full of God’s abundance.

Major Past Projects:
*  Self-sustaining vegetable garden
*  Built home for girls
*  Built protection wall around land 


Give Joy 2 One partnered with Rehoboth Orphanage in 2012.