Support Us

Make a Donation

Donate online: Online donations are made through PayPal by clicking the donate button below. All donations are tax deductible.

Donate by Check: You are also able to donate by check. Make checks payable to Give Joy 2 One. 

Send checks to: Give Joy 2 One 13505 SW 67th Pine Crest, FL 33156

How to Support Us

If you would like to support our ministry, there are several means of doing so:

o   Sponsor a child ($45/month): Please indicate in your donation which child in which home you would like to sponsor, or if it can be for any child

o   Sponsor a project (any amount): Please indicate if you would like to sponsor a specific project or you’re open to any project

o   General fund (any amount): If you would like to donate, but don’t want to specify where the donation should go. 

o   Sign up for mission trip info: Sign up here to get emails updates automatically from our ministry email.